Friday, 27 January 2017

Skills Development - Making the chain circle

To recreate the stock image of a chain link circle that I had used for my flatplan, I used Photoshop to edit the image of the chain that I had taken and removed the background of.

The first thing I tried was placing the image of the chain on a new document and using the polar coordinates setting, seen here:

The setting was very simple to use, I just had to select the "Rectangular to Polar" box, pictured here:

This did not quite give me the results I had hoped for, however, as it had only made a semi circle, pictured here:

I decided to try again with a longer chain, so I undid the polar coordinates command, duplicated the image I had and flipped it horizontally, before placing it next to the original image and merging the layers into one, like so:

I then tried the polar coordinates setting again and this time it created a circle like I had hoped for:

The circle was not perfect, however, as the image had been stretched so the chains looked too thin. To counter this, I undid the polar coordinates then stretched the original image upwards:

I experimented with different levels of distortion until I ended up with what I had hoped for:

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Edited Chain and Lock for Digipak

I removed the background from two of the images I took, using Photoshop, so these images can be used on my digipak to replace the stock images I used in my flatplan.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Slouched 'Zombie' Silhouette for Magazine Advert

I drew the outline of this and filled it in on Photoshop, using a graphics tablet.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Final Font Choice

I have narrowed down my options and decided to use 'Bodoni MT Poster Compressed' as the font for my promotional package as I think it best suits the hip-hop genre and still has the horror connotations I want to link it to my video. I experimented with a few colour and outline variations of the title of the album that match the house-style I am developing in making my digipak and poster.

Friday, 13 January 2017


Taking inspiration from my research into vintage horror posters, I have chosen a few fonts as options for my promotional package.

Inspiration for Poster and Digipak

I have decided to base my print products loosely on the style of vintage horror film posters to link all of my products together with the zombies theme.