Saturday, 17 September 2016

Transition Music Video

The transition lip sync task essentially taught me all the skills I need to film a typical music video. The main thing I learnt that I didn't know how to do before was basic editing, which I will now be able to use for my final music video. 

Above is a screenshot of the time line of the video, edited with Adobe Final Cut Pro. As can be seen from the audio track (the lower green section) we cut out part of the song, a rap we didn't want to include, and I think we did a good job at making the cut invisible, which may help during the production of my own music video. 

In terms of techniques used, we tried to use a lot of different shot types, ranging from tracking shots to long shots. This helped to make the video more entertaining to watch so I will make sure to do the same for my music video. It was quite difficult to sync up the audio track to the lip sync but I think that we eventually got it as close as possible and I now know what it entails so it should be easier if I use lip syncing for a performance in my video. 

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